Nxgxl blog

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A unifying idea for psychiatric self help

This Blog is an invitation to discuss the predicament facing a person who feels, insurmountable and inescapable problems, total inability to act except to curl up cry and shake, fetal position with voluntary inertia. Day and night hallucinations with or without medication are common. Some relief can be obtained, assuming communication is possible through those few who have mastered their problems and can sometimes empathize and advise from their experience.

Help is often designed to fragment the problem, chipping away at issues that the health services has no staff or equipment to attempt alleviation. For many of us lifelong medication is needed and I have no problem with that if carefully and frequently reviewed by a good psychiatrist. GPs are often forced in the UK to the desperate step of prescribing drugs to render the patient unconscious until more appropriate care can be found; due to paucity of qualified mental care facility available this may be up to 6 months. GPs are neither trained to diagnose psychiatric illness, to understand the side effects of long term usage or to recognise signs of a patient reacting negatively. Death, despair and suicide follow.

There is comprehensive coverage of the psychoactive drugs on wikipedia at antidepressant list and these are all linked into wikipedia pages on depression and insomnia very well . There are, of course many other learned books and journals that both GP and patient should FULLY absorb building up a matrix of what works well for a specific patient and set of drugs, at what dose and at what time of day.

In my own case little consistent improvement was visible which led my GP at the time to prescribe a potentially lethal cocktail by adding oxycontin in high doses to the list alongside all the other depressants and SSRIs she was dishing out liberally.

Fortunately a drug induced coma led to many of the drugs doses being simply evacuated by over worked E&A staff pushing as much water and sterile solid though me.

As an absolute accident I missed two whole sets of medication in a row and found that I remained depressed, as expected, but was able to walk unaided, talk coherently and, vitally, from that point on formally refused any further medication from the amateurs employed as GPs at our surgery

9 months on I am, of course, unemployable having been ill for over a year but I read prodigiously and get plenty of exercise.

It really does pay to do your own research, checking with online qualified psychiatrists from time to time. If I had paid to get the treatment that I have needed we would now be a house-less, penniless grown up family of four all reliant on my pension.

At least we saved our marriage (just) and a very degraded relationship with the children who are now 23 and 26 but still at home thanks to the recession.

The other observation I would make at the "talking therapies" supported by Rethink and the governmant may cut costs and waiting lists by using cheap unqualified staff and they will work for those who do not have a clinical depression due to imbalanced brain chemistry or neural activity. For those of us with clinical depression talking does no good and, for me, is harmful.

Please do share your thoughts with me and I will help if I can (via private message if requested)

A word of warning - it is easy for the psychiatrically ill to seriously damage all those around them. This is especially the case where the patient is disruptive, violent or delirious.

The growing youtube collection of videos relating to depression may help those readers who do not understand why someone who is clinically depressed cannot "snap out of it". Brain dysfunction can defeat the strongest will.

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