Nxgxl blog

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

decline and fall of our world

Actually I think the world needs to go back much further before our species started to despoil rather than sustain our home.  Enforced belief, state borders, industrialisation and the arrogance that we are more important than our home must end now else we will have no viable planet within 7 decades..
Much global levelling will be needed, Global policing of dysfunction followed by excision by those who abuse our planet. Democracy is ruled by the rich oligarchy who fund the puppets in states around the globe.  Fast action requires no democracy since we can appoint triumvirates of those with demonstrated ability.  Avoiding despotism merely requires switching one of the highest group of every year.  A triumvirate at every level should help avoid deadlocks if abstain banned.
Exploitation must end to avoid food wars, our communities must shrink to 100 each at most.  Sustainable living can be achieved by frugal communes.
Sadly what is emerging is absolute dominance by bigots, psychopaths and oligarchs so I know the end already.
30 years ago activists were strong but most have given up now.
A new solar year used to bring fresh hope but from now on new fears replace hopes as everything that is despicable in our species gains ground.
Open your eyes and care about our planet's doom
Nxgxl blog nigeles.blogspot.com 

1 comment:

nigeles blogger.co.uk said...

Your home needs sustainability activists

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