Nxgxl blog

Monday, November 5, 2012

David Evennett stance on special needs

Some time ago I wrote to my local MP, David Evennett about the need for assisted living communities for those with special needs and also better psychiatric care.  A fuller description of the assisted living idea is already in an earlier nigeles blog.

What followed was a very disturbing series of emails that made it quite plain that there was little understanding of those with special needs and a brutal determination to cut costs rather than improve services.

Having just read the series of letters again I thought it instructive to place copies on my blog so that others could see and discuss the views that divide Mr Evennett and I.

The letters are in chronological order.

My first letter


There are two initiatives that concern my family.

I have long term manic depression that finally defeated the medication a
year ago leaving me "retired".  Having been through the assessment process for
ESA I was struck by the total absence of any consideration of mental health
and understand that both Rethink and Mind are now campaigning to ensure that
evidence from claimant's psychiatrist is taken into account.  In my case I
am pleased to report that my appeal was successful thanks to a lot of help.

The second issue relates to mobility allowance to which my daughter is
entitled.  The proposal at issue is to withdraw mobility allowance.  Just because 
people have special needs does not mean that they will not wish to travel just
like others.  I am writing to ask you to consider the case of the long term
disabled in relation to cuts in benefits that would affect them.

What I would really love to see is a caring community where those with mental 
or physical special needs can live and work in with friends - one of my campaigns is at

Best Wishes
Nxgxl Sxlx
and the reply to the above

From: "EVENNETT, David" 
Subject: RE: Thank you for your email
Date: 25 November 2010 14:20

Dear xxxxt

Thank you for your two emails of yesterday afternoon about the changes to the mobility component of the Disability Living Allowance, which I read with interest.

The Government recognises the important role cash benefits play in supporting disabled people to overcome barriers and wants to ensure support is targeted at those with the greatest need.

In the current financial situation it cannot be justifiable to prioritise payments to people whose needs are largely met through state funded residential care over others in greater need. Residential care homes have a duty to ensure that they meet the mobility needs of their residents, and the Government will be monitoring this over the coming years. However, residents who meet the full costs of the care home themselves will continue to be paid both components of DLA, if they are entitled to it.

Yours sincerely

David Evennett MP
Member of Parliament for Bexleyheath and Crayford
Address: House of Commons, Westminster, SW1A 0AA
Tel: 020 7219 8403 | Fax: 020 7219 2163 | evennettd@parliament.uk

My second letter
Sent: 25 November 2010 21:07
Subject: Re: Thank you for your email

Thank you for your reply.

It looks like the lifelong disabled are a key target of the current
government since carers, Disabled Living Allowance and mobility allowance
(http://tinyurl.com/36dmrfd)are all to be cut .  In my view it is grossly
unfair to target those least able to help themselves.  In the case of
cerebral palsied children who become cerebral palsied adults the dependence
on the state is absolute yet the care and support is subject to a maze of
organisations, some of the most complex regulations affecting access to
services and now further financial pressure.  If one individual satisfying
the current stringent criteria that my daughter met was hit by all of the
cuts they would be left to die on the streets.  Is this the face of the new

Mr Evennett simply repeated the same government line

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